The Adelaide University Law Students publish ‘The Hilarian’ which is a student produced, satirical magazine. Jess was asked at one show if she’d be the ‘cover girl’ for the next edition. As you can see, she said yes.
From the start I worked at promoting myself and Showbags. I actually paid for an advertisement to draw an audience to my first Saturday night at the Greyhound, and it worked, almost doubling the usual Saturday night numbers.
After that I consistently advertised Showbags in the various gay newspapers and magazines. The gallery has some of the advertisements I placed.
With Drags Aloud I decided early on that publicity was the most important thing I could provide. Jess had the costumes. Linda was the charismatic dancer and lead. Kris was the sewing assistant and travel organiser, and I had a background in graphics and web design.
So I was the annoyingly, persistent performer looking for reviewers and opportunities for us to draw our audiences. I asked permission and after a ‘yes’, I introduced the use of A0 billboards in venues. You can see how effective they were by the samples in ‘Tales of an XY Woman’.

Drags Aloud At The Movies Poster

Big Jessie's Bag of Drag which was our late night show in Edinburgh.