This is the website I didn’t think I’d build. But “Time Coats Memory In Honey” as the old saying goes. And so I dug into the dusty box in the shed and spread memories all across the kitchen table. After a second cup of tea the website idea struck, and here we are!
I’ve had a busy and varied career, and a similar experience in my personal life as I transitioned from male to female during this history of mine.
So here is Amanda Monroe, in quite a few settings, and here is a bit of a map and commentary.
I’ve been interested in drag, unsurprisingy, since I was very young. When I entered the drag scene as a performer, I was a contemporary of Les Girls, twice the age of the drag queens in my dressing rooms, and there I was, with barely my foot on a stage, being treated with an undeserved deference. I used it as a gimmick, using the “Amanda Says” tag in our advertisements for the Greyhound Early Shows.
So I’ve also added a section called “Melbourne Drag History”. This is my view of how drag developed and how it transformed as society transformed. This is not a list of ‘all the drag queens who worked in Melbourne’ although it would be good for them to be remembered. History pages are my views on the main influences on the development of Melbourne’s particular ‘style’.
I hope I work out comments so there can be a discussion,